Japanese craftsman Tanaka Tatsuya has been capturing his gathering of diorama dolls cooperating with regular items he finds around his home to make emotional and frequently entertaining scenes. He has been doing this regular, one scene for every day, for as far back as four years to make a "Scaled down Calendar". So far he has made more than 1,000 scenes, and he isn't liable to stop at any point in the near future.
More Info : AmusingPlanet
Posting works each and every day, in itself is a test. Furthermore, making one that surpasses the desire of his devotees who have seen all his work conveys extra test to the undertaking. In the long run, Tanaka Tatsuya would like to make a unique smaller than normal diorama doll himself. In this way, he has been utilizing instant dolls and revising them on small scale scenes.
Since beginning this venture, Tatsuya has added to a propensity for gathering a wide range of family unit articles that may appear to be pointless, for example, cuts for shutting bread bundling, garments labels, tissue moves, ice lolly sticks et cetera, in light of the fact that he doesn't generally know immediately when or how they may be valuable.