Smart Homes – In The Future We Will Live In It

Had a water heater or some top LED lights in our technology. Also rare these technologies have become an integral part of home decoration. Today, it is safe to say that we're seeing the baby that the age of the smart home, there are more people who talk about what many smart solutions for the broadband home, and so on. However, we can not help but ask whether this is the real thing, and what we will be seeing more in the future, or if it is just a fad.
Do you all want to live in a house like this? If you had lived in the house do not know how happy? 

The Good

There are a lot of good purposes of the savvy homes and you would genuinely must be a luddite not to recognize and welcome these.

Image Source :  China Internet of Things.

 Image Source : CODE_n via Flickr

Image Source :  IKEA

Buy at Quirky

The Verdict

We don't saying that we are necessarily right, but we feel that smart homes will exist in some form in the future. really ? Most likely, they will feature a smart security system and energy-saving features. On the other hand, talking fridges and toilets that tell you your weight in form of a gif will most probably turn out to be just a fad.

I really want live at there  . How about you ?

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