The Beautiful Cirkelbroen Bridge in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has another aesthetic historic point, an extension called Cirkelbroen, outlined by the Danish-Icelandic craftsman Olafur Eliasson and opened a month ago. The scaffold compasses Christianshavn Canal to associate the Christiansbro range with Applebys Plads. 

The 40-meter-long footbridge is produced using five interconnected roundabout stages of different sizes, each with its own 'pole', a reference to the vessels that sail Copenhagen's conduits. From the pole is suspended a few tensioned wires that unite with the circles' fringe. One area of the scaffold capacities like a swing extension, turning to permit expansive pontoons to go into and out of the channel. Littler water crafts, for example, kayaks can go underneath the hoisted platform.

More Info : AmusingPlanet 

 Image source : Nordea Foundation

 Image Source : Anders Sune Berg

 Image Source : Nordea Foundation

 Image Source : Nordea Foundation

Image Source : Nordea Foundation
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